Friday, February 1, 2008

My Lost Chance - Blog Disclaimer

"How do you find all this stuff."

This is a question I am often asked. Well, I'm a nerd. :) I watch the show a minimum 2-3 times before I start the blog. I also do some background research.

"How much of the blog is from my crazy little head".

About 85%. I can't take credit for knowing the bible by heart. Or all works of literature. I have to look that stuff up. But I do know where to look and how to find primary sources to reference.

"Didn't I tell you about ..."

If someone I know points something out, I will say "J.D. or a coworker etc said...". If it is a general theory, I will say so. I give credit where credit is due, even though I hate it when someone gets a clue before I do!

"Much of what you wrote is all over the internet."

Yes. How do you think it got there? Fellow nerds like me. Since I watch on the West Coast I stay away from anything Lost from 6pm the night of until the next day. But its hard because I want to talk about it when its all fresh in my mind. By the time I get on, stuff is 3 hours old at least! I am not the only person with a notepad and pencil next to me while I watch.

"I want to see this stuff too."

Well, when you hear a song on the show, write it down. A book or book reference, write it down. A new name, write it down. Any number, LOST ones or not because they can add or subtract to significance, write it down. Slow down any scenes that seem to go fast. Any person in a shot can be significant, write it down. Note any reoccurring themes: games, good vs. evil, father issues, black & white etc. Watch the show more than once. Then do a search to expand on your ideas, no matter how small. Refer to past blogs or episode guides. Once you do it over and over again, it becomes easier to know what to look for.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

You are a bigger dork than I thought. I did NOT think that was possible. Ahhh, to be inside the mind of Joanna Clark...